[XML-SIG] example code?

Michal Wallace (sabren) sabren@manifestation.com
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 11:02:01 -0500 (EST)


  I've got a total newbie question here:

  I've been writing a simple little template system for web scripts.
The syntax for the files is XML-based, and I've been using xmllib...
I've read the docs, but I've yet to find any decent example code, and
right now almost all of my processing is being done through overriding
the unknown_starttag() and unknown_endtag() functions. What should
I be doing instead?

  The docs say to override the "elements" dictionary, but:

  def elements["sometag"][0]():

gives an error, and:

  def start_sometag(blahblah):

  elements["sometag"][0] = start_sometag

just seems like the wrong thing to be doing.. What's the "right"
way to do this? Does anyone have an example program I could borrow?


- Michal
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