[XML-SIG] Putting the pieces together...

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Mon, 25 May 1998 15:17:52 +0100

>Doubtless people will report other problems and shortcomings.  
>My hope is that we can discuss the distribution on the xml-sig and fix
>compiling and installation problems fairly quickly (perhaps for 2-3
>weeks?).  Once we're fairly satisfied with it, we can make an informal
>announcement, people can then start trying to do real work with it,
>which will doubtless turn up bugs in interfaces and parsers.  Fixing
>those shouldn't require major reorganizations of the package
>structure, so the code could be considered beta status at that point.

Just for the record, I've been tinkering with saxlib over the week-
end, and there are a few things that I would really like to discuss
before the design is frozen.  I'll try to post my findings tomorrow.

Cheers /F