[XML-SIG] Python tutorial at XML Europe '99

James Tauber jtauber@jtauber.com
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:21:25 +0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Mc Grath <digitome@iol.ie>
>I will also be doing a half day Python tutorial
>at WWW8 where XML will receive more than
>a passing mention:-)

And I will be doing a full day XML tutorial at WWW8 where Python will
receive mention :-)

>The Python/XML combo marches ever onward...


James Tauber / jtauber@jtauber.com / www.jtauber.com
Associate Researcher, Electronic Commerce Network
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia

Maintainer of : www.xmlinfo.com,  www.xmlsoftware.com and www.schema.net