Jean-Michel BRUEL Jean-Michel.Bruel@univ-pau.fr
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 12:02:59 +0100 (MET)

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

 Call for Papers                <<UML>>'99

 Second International Conference on the
 Unified Modeling Language

 October 28-30, 1999, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
 (just before OOPSLA)

Invited Speaker:
                        Grady Booch

   <<UML>>'99 will bring together researchers in academia and
   industry who are developing processes, methods, techniques,
   and semantic foundations for the UML. The conference will
   provide a forum for discussing and evaluating promising
   approaches that will enhance the application of UML.

   The <<UML>>'99 organizing committee invites authors to
   submit papers presenting original and unpublished research
   and experience reports on UML or related topics.
   Typical areas include (but are not limited to):

   - Integration of software development techniques
   - Significant or useful extensions
   - Metamodels and model interchange
   - Formal semantics
   - Business processes and modeling
   - Experiences reports that contribute significant research
     ideas or make unconventional use of UML
   - OCL and other contraint notations
   - Reuse at the modeling level
   - Patterns, pattern mining
   - Extensions and restrictions of UML
   - UML compared to other notations
   - Mapping of UML to programming languages, frameworks,
     databases, and architectures
   - Modeling software architectures with UML
   - Verification with UML models
   - Transformation of UML models (incl. code generation)
   - Refinement and composition of UML models
   - Method engineering in the large
   - Management of UML projects
   - Modeling of distributed systems
   - UML and real-time
   - Metrics and measures based on UML

Important dates (deadlines are hard!):
   Deadline for abstract                05 May 1999
   Deadline for submission              15 May 1999
   Notification to authors              15 July 1999
   Final version of accepted papers     25 August 1999

Conference web page:

   Submit your 10-15 page manuscript electronically in Postscript
   or pdf using the Springer LNCS style. Details are available at
   the conference web page. The <<UML>>'99 proceedings will be
   published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.

Program Committee:
   C. Atkinson, Germany         J. Bezivin, France
   J. Bieman, USA               G. v. Bochmann, Canada
   R. Breu, Germany             J.-M. Bruel, France
   F. Buschmann, Germany        B. Cheng, USA
   D. Coleman, USA              S. Cook, UK
   D. D'Souza, USA              J. Daniels, UK
   G. Engels, Germany           A. S. Evans, UK
   E. Fernandez, USA            M. Fowler, USA
   E. Gery, Israel              M. Gogolla, Germany
   M. Griss, USA                R. Grosu, USA               
   D. Harel, Israel             B. Henderson-Sellers, Australia
   P. Hruby, Denmark            H. Hussmann, Germany        
   I. Jacobson, USA             G. Kappel, Austria          
   S. Kent, UK                  H. Kilov, USA               
   C. Kobryn, USA               P. Kruchten, USA            
   K. Lano, UK                  G. Leavens, USA             
   M. Loomis, USA               S. Mellor, USA              
   R. Mitchell, UK              A. Moreira, Portugal        
   P.-A. Muller, France         L. Northrop, USA            
   G. Overgaard, Sweden         B. Paech, Germany           
   J. Rumbaugh. USA             A. Schurr, Germany          
   E. Seidewitz, USA            B. Selic, Canada            
   R. Soley, USA                J. Warmer, Netherlands      
   T. Wasserman, USA            A. Wills, UK                
   R. Wirfs-Brock, USA

Organizing Committee:
   Conference Chair:
     Robert B. France, USA
   Program Chair:
     Bernhard Rumpe, Germany
   Publicity Chairs:
     J.-M. Bruel, France
     J. Bieman, USA
     J. Suzuki, Japan
   Steering Committee:
     J. Bezivin, France
     R. B. France, USA
     P.-A. Muller, France
     B. Rumpe, Germany

Further Information:
   Robert B. France             E-mail: france@cs.colostate.edu
   Computer Science Department  Tel:    970-491-6356
   Colorado State University    Fax:    970-491-2466
   Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA

   Bernhard Rumpe               E-mail: rumpe@in.tum.de
   Institut fuer Informatik     Tel:    0049-89-289-28129
   T. Universitaet Muenchen     Fax:    0049-89-289-28183
   80290 Muenchen, Germany