[Python Wpg] Looking for employment opportunities

Kevin Veroneau kveroneau at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 13:02:17 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

  I have been looking into employment with Python, and unfortunately I seem
to find more ASP/.NET and even PHP.  I find it very unfortunate that a
companies I.T. department does not see the benefits of developing
application and web application using Python.  Compared to PHP, Python is
much more cleaner, even compared to the likes of .NET.  I find this very
disturbing.  Ever since moving from PHP to Python for my web development, I
am finding that the code is much more easier to maintain and read.  Further
I find myself creating application more rapidly and in less time when using
Python over other technologies.  Python can save businesses a lot of money
in the long run, if only they embrace Python first.

  Does anybody here know of any local Winnipeg businesses who would take on
a very enthusiastic and willing to learn more Python developer?  I know all
the main modules in Python and can easily navigate through the Python
documentation website for method which I am not completely familiar with.  I
am very familiar with the UNIX command-line(Bash shell to be exact) and have
been using UNIX-like systems for over 7 years now.  My Python experience is
just about a year, and am still continuing to learn more and as much as I
can about Python programming.  I am proficient in MVC programming methods,
mainly with the help of Django.

  Since my years in Python are not great, I am more looking for a junior
position where I can learn more and as much as can to better my skills in
the field.  I am definitely open to other programming languages, if the job
requires it.  I tend to learn programming languages at incredible
speeds(considering the Internet is a wonderful research resource).  I have
mild skills in ANSI C, I am able to program console-based UNIX
applications.  With the help of an IDE, I am able to create Qt3 applications
and bind the widgets to C code.  I have also created Python GUI applications
in Tk, GTK+, and Qt3.

  If there is anybody here interested or perhaps a local Winnipeg business,
I would glad to display my current skills.  Most of which are Django web
applications, however I can quickly create an application to a specific spec
to display my skills.

  My lastest achievement is a Django web application which has all the
standard Customer Management Datasets.  Since I have worked at an I.T. Help
Desk in the past, I built this web application from the experience I
gained.  The result, a fully functional web-based customer management system
for both customer facing and support teams to use.  It includes a contact
manager, asset manager, trouble ticket manager, billing and invoice manager
integrated with the PayPal APIs.  All of this was coded in basically 2 and a
half days.  Also note before I began, I knew nothing about the PayPal NVP
APIs, my research and testing was also done in this period.  I recently had
a client of mine(I do Linux server consulting for a local Winnipeg ISP),
entered into the system and their payment through PayPal worked flawlessly.
Well, the first time they made the payment, there was an exception thrown,
but was quickly resolved.  I forgot to a copy a variable from my development
server to my production server, which confused the PayPal API and it threw
an exception as the variable was a NoneType.

  For those curious, the website can be located here:

  The website is fully done in Django in just 2 days time, unfortunately the
large portion of the work can only be seen if one logs into an account with
access to the system.  I am by far now a web designer, the website template
was done by a third party.  Although in most web application development,
usually there is a separate team for the templates.

Hope to hear back from someone,
  Kevin Veroneau
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