[Python Wpg] Cannot figure out this ZeroDivisionError exception

Kevin Veroneau kveroneau at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 17:33:41 EST 2011


  I am in the process of learning the basics of 3D math and programming, and
thought using Python and Pygame would be a good choice to prototype in.  The
2D example works great, the isometric 3D example also works.  But in the 3rd
example, when I press Space to enter into full 3D, it uses a flow control
statement to change a calculation.  Even though the calculation is very
similar in both isometric and full 3D, it just does not work and I am very
confused why.

  You can view the source code online in my public Subversion Repository:

  I am following the tutorial step-by-step on this website:

  That website explains 3D using pseudo-code, the author made it resemble
BASIC-like syntax for clarity.  As I read through the tutorial, I coded it
in Python, and thus is why there is three python files, one for each phase
of the example.

  I thought I would ask here, as I noticed many of you on this mailing list
using Python for mathematical purposes, and this exception is related to a
math operation in a calculation.  This is my first time going in depth with
3D programming and how the math behind it works.  I would of course move to
OpenGL once I understand the fundamentals.

  On the topic of OpenGL, which OpenGL Python library would you recommend
someone who is just diving into GL.  I feel my Python skills are pretty
strong at this point.  I understand that Blender can be scripted using
Python, would this be a good place to start or should I use a stand-alone
python module?

  Kevin Veroneau
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