[Python Wpg] For anybody using Rackspace cloud files

Kevin Veroneau kveroneau at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 09:53:56 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

  I thought I'd share a few python files with you today, mainly for those
here who take advantage of Rackspace's cloud features.  I would highly
recommend them, if you do not current use them.  Rackspace cloud files is a
very cost effective off-site backup, and can be used for many other things.
 I currently have a python web application which uploads data to the cloud
files service and requested downloads are simply linked directly to a public
cloud container.  With cloud files, you can either have a container marked
as private, or public.  Private requires API access to do remote downloads,
where as public, they provide you with a URI.

Attached files:

uploader.py - A small and simple Python command-line program to easily
upload data into the cloud.
cloudclass.py - A small and simple Python class to easily make programs to
upload/download to/from the cloud.
backup-proj.py - A small and simple Python command-line program to easily
tarball and upload a directory structure to the cloud.

You will need to edit them and insert your own username and API Key from
rackspace cloud.  I like the last program, as it really shows how powerful
this cloud file system really is.  You could put something like this in a
cron script for example, or a .profile, or some other start-up file.

  If you would like to learn more about Rackspace cloud and obtain their
Python bindings, visit: http://www.rackspacecloud.com/

  They do have very competitive pricing, I use both their Cloud servers and
Cloud files services.

Kevin Veroneau
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