[Python Wpg] September's meeting one week away

Stuart Williams stuartw at mts.net
Wed Sep 19 08:42:21 EDT 2007

I'm looking forward to our fall slate of meetings.  I expect we'll
have some very interesting topics, we just don't know what they are

I suggest for next week, September 26th, we do three things.

1. Discuss goals for the group.  Do we meet too often?  Do we need to
plan farther ahead?  Do we want to pick up work on some old projects
such as ldapfs.py?  Do we want to start a new project such as offering
a well-publicized introduction to Python to the larger Winnipeg IT
community through venues such as CIPS?  What will our next several
meeting topics be?

2. Introduce python to new users in the group.  For this I'm happy to
prepare a tutorial.  However, I suggest everyone contribute by
answering the question "What is Python?""  I'm not joking.  The
python.org website says:

  Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be
  used for many kinds of software development. It offers strong
  support for integration with other languages and tools, comes with
  extensive standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days. Many
  Python programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel
  the language encourages the development of higher quality, more
  maintainable code.

I'd like to hear 3 minute summaries from folks in our user group.
What has been our experience with Python?

3. Maybe talk about metaclasses and/or decorators.  I suggested this a
while back.  It might provide an interesting counterpoint to a
tutorial - something at the other end of the spectrum from an

What are your thoughts?


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