[Python Wpg] Meeting tomorrow - sprint.

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Wed Jul 26 13:22:46 EDT 2006

On Wednesday 26 July 2006 07:35, Scott Balneaves wrote this amazing epistle:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 02:13:26PM -0500, Stuart Williams wrote:
> > Don't forget that tomorrow (Wednesday) night is our next meeting at
> > the U of W, a sprint on LdapFS.py organized by Scott.
> I'll be there, of course.
> What do we want to do about food?  Organize once we arrive?  Or, do
> people want me to get some stuff and bring it with me?  Suggestions?

	All I have is a couple of coins this month. A couple unexpected bills did me 

> I'll have my lappy there, with an ldap server running on it, with a
> (hopefully) large and deep database to play with.

	I can bring paper. :-)

> As well, I'll start up an ssh server on my home box on port 80.  If we
> need external ssh access, we can find it that way.
> Scott


P.S. Usual location @ 5:30 or later?
|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
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