[Python Wpg] Sort a list of tuples!

Brent Durksen brent at durksen.com
Sun Apr 23 19:05:29 EDT 2006

Hi again,

Well, I went on to answer my own question.  I created a list of tuples, 
in the format (points, name) and sorted the whole list, which was much 
easier than I expected.  That seems to sum up my first experience 
programming in Python: things are generally easier to accomplish than I 
would expect.

In any case, the source code is at 
http://brent.homelinux.com/nhl/nhlstats.py and if anyone wants to have a 
go at fixing my CPU consumption problem (someone familiar with the 
BeautifulSoup module, maybe) I would appreciate it.  I've commented what 
I perceive to be the cause of that problem in the source.


Brent Durksen

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