[Python Wpg] Python Users Group Story on plug.ca

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Wed Dec 14 00:08:35 EST 2005

On December 13, 2005 06:49 pm, syd at plug.ca wrote this amazing epistle:
> I thought I would put up a quick story about today's meeting. Please
> suggest any revisions or enhancements I ought to make.
> http://plug.ca/article.php?story=20051213175736346
> Regards,
> Syd

 I have no problem with the page I read.

 BTW, I contacted my friend at the WPCUG about making an announcement at their 
meeting next week. I also contacted Gilbert at the MUUG and the announcement 
was made tonight.


|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
Version: 3.12
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------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK ------

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