[Wheel-builders] C++ ABI v5

Michael Sarahan msarahan at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 18:49:18 EST 2016


Are you all aware of the looming move to the newer C++ ABI for GCC?

This won't have humongous impact on Python as a whole, as it affects only
C++ packages.  However, for those packages, I think we'll see breakage on
new platforms.  Importantly, the upcoming Ubuntu 16.04 release will use
that newer ABI (15.10 already does, but 16.04 is LTS).  Many distros are
ending up recompiling their entire package libraries.

Just curious - how (and when) will the manylinux docker image tackle this?
We (Continuum) don't have a solid answer yet.  We are looking into a docker
image similar to manylinux that uses a newer GCC that can output either
ABI: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/docker-images/pull/20

We welcome feedback and discussion.

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