[Web-SIG] Flask Blueprints and Shared Configuration Settings

Doran, Harold C. HDoran at air.org
Mon Jun 15 10:45:39 EDT 2020

First post to this group; I hope it's appropriate and has the necessary info. My goal is to set ["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = 'C:/some/path' to a path where files uploaded via my app can be saved. Now my app is very large and so it is factored in a large collection of blueprints and I want the same settings to be applied globally across the application. That is, ["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = 'C:/some/path' would be the session path for any aspect of the program.

I am currently unable to make the desired path available in my blueprints; it is only available for routes contained within the main app. Below, for purposes of debugging, I've created a small example that prints the path to the screen. As an example, if you create this below and head over to the route .../print_dir the path is visible and I can actually save files to that location. However, if I head over to the registered blueprint path, .../new, I get the error the server is not defined.

What steps do I need to take so that the session path I want to save to is available in my blueprints?

Thank you

##################### Contents of my main app.py file
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, session
from flask_session import Session
import tempfile

server = Flask(__name__)

server.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False
server.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"
server.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = 'C:/some/path'
server.secret_key = 'abcdefg'

### Import and Register Blueprints 
from tools.routes import my_bp


def homepage():
    return "Hello"

def homepage2():
    return server.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"]

if __name__ == '__main__':

############################ Contents of my routes.py file in a subdirectory called tools #############
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, session, Blueprint
from flask_session import Session

my_bp = Blueprint("my_bp", __name__)

@my_bp.route('/new', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def path(): 
    path = server.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"]
    return path

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