[Web-SIG] WSGI-1 Warts

Alice Bevan–McGregor alice at gothcandy.com
Sat Jan 8 16:03:28 CET 2011

On 2011-01-08 06:49:13 -0800, David Stanek said:

> Is there a list somewhere of the warts that need to be fixed? I found 
> some in this list's archive and on various blogs, but I was hoping to 
> find a more comprehensive grouping of them.

Graham Dumpleton, the author of Apache's mod_wsgi, has blogged 
extensively on the subject of WSGI faults.  So far all of the points he 
raises are IMHO valid, well described, and he offers solutions for 
most, if not all of them.  See:


Since not every post about WSGI is actually tagged WSGI, it's best just 
to hit "older posts" a couple of times and start reading.  ;)  
Utilizing RSS will reduce the amount of work that sounds like to a more 
manageable level.

	- Alice.

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