[Web-SIG] WSGI for Python 3

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Jul 18 19:19:31 CEST 2010

At 01:01 PM 7/18/2010 +1000, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>This is on the basis that if people are going to have to rewrite their code
>a fair bit to handle bytes everywhere,

What you mean by "rewrite their code a fair bit", and who is it that 
you think will have to do this?

Or, more precisely, how is that any different from the text or 
text-and-bytes proposals?  AFAICT, the main difference is that under 
a bytes-only regime, the changes should be more 
consistent/mechanical, i.e., able to be performed by relatively 
superficial code inspection.

>My personal opinion is that if you are going to go bytes everywhere,
>then you may as well throw out the complete WSGI specification as it
>stands now and fix all the other problems with the specification.

That may not be a bad idea; I'm certainly in favor of going ahead and 
ditching start_response/write while we're at it.  The requirement to 
change both the entry and exit points to match the calling convention 
also seems to provide an ideal opportunity to insert any necessary 
encoding or decoding operations.

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