[Web-SIG] WSGI for Python 3

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 07:19:37 CEST 2010

On 14 July 2010 15:04, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumpleton at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 14 July 2010 14:43, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
>> So... there's been some discussion of WSGI on Python 3 lately.  I'm not
>> feeling as pessimistic as some people, I feel like we were close but just
>> didn't *quite* get there.
> What I took from the discussion wasn't that one couldn't specify a
> WSGI interface, and as you say we more or less have one now, the issue
> is more about how practical that is from a usability perspective for
> those who have to code stuff on top.
> The concern seems to be that although it may be easy to work with the
> specification for those who at the lowest layer immediately wrap it in
> a higher level abstraction that normalises stuff into something that
> is then used consistently in that way, for those who use lower level
> raw WSGI right through the stack, especially in the context of
> stackable WSGI middleware, that repetitive task of having to deal with
> the byte/unicode issues at every point it just a big PITA.
> That said, my job in writing the WSGI adapter is really easy as I
> don't have to worry about these issues. This is why I don't seem to
> really appreciate the concerns people are expressing. The above is how
> I read things though.
>> Here's my thoughts:
>> * Everyone agrees keys in the environ should be native strings
>> * Bodies should stay bytes
>> * Can we make all "standard" values that are str on Python 2, str on Python
>> 3 with a Latin1 encoding?  This is basically what wsgiref did.  This means
>> HTTP_*, SERVER_NAME, etc.  Everything CGIish, and everything with an
>> all-caps key.  There's only a couple tricky keys: SCRIPT_NAME, PATH_INFO,
>> * I propose we let libraries handle HTTP_COOKIE however they want; don't
>> bother transcoding *into* the environ, just do so when you parse the cookie
>> (if you so choose).  Happy developers will just urlencode all their cookie
>> values to keep their cookies ASCII-clean.  Unhappy developers who have to
>> handle legacy cookies will just run environ['HTTP_COOKIE'].decode('latin1')
>> and then do whatever sad magic they are forced to do.
>> * I (re)propose we eliminate SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO and replace them
>> exclusively with encoded versions (that represent the original request
>> URI).  We use Latin1 encoding, but it should be ASCII anyway, like most of
>> the headers.

BTW, it should be highlighted whether this change is relevant to
Python 3 but like some of the other things you relegated as out of
scope, purely a wish list item.


>> * I'm terrible at naming, but let's say these new values are RAW_SCRIPT_NAME
> My prior suggestion on that since upper case keys for now effectively
> derive from CGI, was to make them wsgi.script_name and wsgi.path_info.
> Ie., push them into the wsgi namespace.
>> Does this solve everything?  There's broken stuff in the stdlib, but we
>> shouldn't bother ourselves with that -- if we need working code we should
>> just write it and ignore the stdlib or submit our stuff as patches to the
>> stdlib.
> The quick summary of what I suggest before is at:
>  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/SupportForPython3X
> I believe the only difference I see is the raw SCRIPT_NAME and
> PATH_INFO, which got discussed to death previously with no consensus.
>> Some environments will have a hard time constructing RAW_SCRIPT_NAME and
>> RAW_PATH_INFO, but in my opinion they can just encode SCRIPT_NAME and
>> PATH_INFO and be done with it; it's not as accurate, but it's no less
>> accurate than what we have now.
>> Actual transcoding in the environ is not supported or encouraged in this
>> scheme.  If you want to adjust an encoding you should do it in your
>> application/library code.
>> There's some other topics, like chunked responses, unknown request body
>> lengths, start_response, and maybe some other things, but these aren't
>> Python 3 issues, they are just... generic issues.  app_iter.close() might be
>> worth thinking about given new iterator semantics introduced since WSGI was
>> written.
> Graham

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