[Web-SIG] PEP 444 Draft Rewrite

Alice Bevan–McGregor alice at gothcandy.com
Fri Dec 24 10:07:30 CET 2010


I've mostly finished a draft rewrite of PEP 444 (WSGI 2), incorporating 
some additional ideas covering things like py2k/py3k interoperability 
and switching from a more narrative style to a substantially 
RFC-inspired language.


I'm using Textile as my intermediary format, and will obviously need to 
convert this to ReStructuredText when I'm done.  Missing are:

 * The majority of the examples.
 * Narrative rationale, wich I'll be writing shortly.
 * Narrative Python compatibility documentation.
 * Asynchronous documentation.  This will likely rely on the abstract 
API defined in PEP 3148 (futures) as implemented in Python 3.2 and the 
"futures" package available on PyPi.
 * Additional and complete references.  The Rationale chapter will add 
many references to community discussion.

I would appreciate it greatly if this rewrite could be read through and 
questions, corrections, or even references to possible ambiguity 
mentioned in discussion.

Have a happy holidays and a merry new-year, everybody!  :)

	- Alice.

P.s. I'll be updating my PEP 444 reference implementation HTTP 1.1 
server (marrow.server.http) over the holidays to incorporate the 
changes in this rewrite; most notably the separation of byte strings, 
unicode strings, and native strings.

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