[Web-SIG] WSGI for Python 3

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sat Aug 28 13:04:27 CEST 2010

Am 27.08.2010 01:37, schrieb Armin Ronacher:
> Hi,
> Is there a status update on that now I missed?  Did something decide on 
> bytes for the environment values or are we still unsure about that?
>  From a discussion lately I had with Graham on #pocoo it seems like he 
> lost interest on supporting WSGI on Python 3 for the time being due to 
> lack of interest.
> My personal pet project of actively redesigning WSGI to see if a 
> higher-level protocol would solve the unicode issue better failed and 
> was not worth the effort.
> As I understand Python 3.0/1/2 will be broken for WSGI anyways so we can 
> stop caring about the stdlib.

Let me just throw in here that it's *NOT* too late to do something about
Python 3.2.  It is not even in beta state yet, and I am very willing to
introduce the changes to make web programming work again, or even hold
up 3.2 for a bit if you need more time.

However, someone who actually *does* web programming has to do that, in
other words, one of you.  All I see is complaints that it will not work
and one has to forget the stdlib.  That is somewhat sad.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

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