[Web-SIG] Trac-like Query Builder

Gustavo Narea me at gustavonarea.net
Tue Jun 30 15:24:48 CEST 2009


Randy said:
> Does anyone know of a Python package that would provide query building
> functionality like Trac has when doing a custom query on the tickets?

Are you talking about a front-end that allows end-users "assemble" the query, 
or a back-end that turns user-provided data into a result filter (e.g., SQL 
`WHERE` clause)?

If it's the later, you may want to see this:

With it, you'll be able to have text-based filters like:
 * ticket.id == 12
 * ticket.assignee == users.myself or not ticket.assignee
 * ticket.assignee in {users.myself, users.admin}
 * ticket.title contains "Foo Bar"

Or, without namespaces:
 * id == 12
 * assignee == myself or not assignee
 * assignee in {myself, admin}
 * title contains "Foo Bar"

Unfortunately it's a rather new piece of software and should get the first 
alpha/usable release this week.

Gustavo Narea <xri://=Gustavo>.
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