[Web-SIG] Revising environ['wsgi.input'].readline in the WSGI specification

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 06:22:39 CET 2008

2008/11/16 Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com>:
> We need to make a revision to the WSGI spec to say that
> environ['wsgi.input'].readline takes an optional size argument.  It always
> does in practice (except in wsgiref.validate.validator, rendering that
> validator useless), and is required to in practice, because everyone uses
> cgi.FieldStorage, and it passes in that argument.

This has been brought up numerous times before. There are other things
about wsgi.input that really need to be changed as well to make it
more useful. When I have pushed for revised specification before I
could never get enough interest in it from the people that most would
perceive are the ones who oversee the PEP.


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