[Web-SIG] ngx.poll extension (was Re: Are you going to convert Pylons code into Python 3000?)

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Fri Mar 7 10:48:27 CET 2008

Brian Smith ha scritto:
> Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> Brian Smith ha scritto:
>>> Manlio Perillo wrote:
>>>> Fine with me but there is a *big* problem.
>>>> WSGI 2.0 "breaks" support for asynchronous applications (since you 
>>>> can no more send headers in the app iter).
>>> WSGI 1.0 doesn't guarentee that all asynchronous applications will 
>>> work either, because it allows the WSGI gateway to wait for 
>> and buffer 
>>> all the input from the client before even calling the 
>> application callable.
>>> And, it doesn't provide a way to read an indefinite stream of input 
>>> from the client, which is also problematic.
>>> Anyway, please post a small example of a program that fails to work 
>>> because of these proposed changes for WSGI 2.0.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brian
>> Attached there are two working examples (I have not committed 
>> it yet, because I'm still testing - there are some problems 
>> that I need to solve).
> I looked at your examples and now I understand better what you are
> trying to do. I think what you are trying to do is reasonable but it
> isn't something that is supported even by WSGI 1.0. It happens to work
> efficiently for your particular gateway, but that isn't what WSGI is
> about. In fact, any WSGI application that doesn't run correctly with an
> arbitrary WSGI gateway (assuming no bugs in any gateway) isn't a WSGI
> application at all.

No, this is not true.
First of all, this extension should be easy to implement for any WSGI 
implementation (maybe even with a middleware? I have to check).

Lastly, truly portability is a complex topic.

The WSGI spec allows the implementation of extensions.
Of course if an application uses an extension it is no more portable; 
maybe it should check the presence of the extension and execute an 
alternative code if it is not available.

This is possible in the example I have posted.

I like to think about WSGI the same way as OpenGL or SQL.

There are well established standards, but an application *should* be 
allowed to use specialized extension.

> It seems that the problem with your examples is not that they won't work
> with WSGI 2.0. Rather, the problem is that the applications block too
> long. The application will still work correctly, but will not be
> efficient when run in nginx's mod_wsgi. However, that isn't a problem
> with the specification or with the application; it is a problem with
> nginx's mod_wsgi. 

It's a problem for every server, even for Apache.
Apache, as an example, can spawn additional processes; but there is a limit.

What happens if 500+ concurrent requests run the blocking code?
If you do not set a limit of child processes in Apache, the system will 
very probably "die".

If you set a limit, than some requests will have to wait.

Writing an asynchronous client is really the most sensate solution of 
this problem.

Of course, again, the application should work with any WSGI implementation.

But the solution *is not* to write "generic" code.
The solution is to write specialized code, and to write a version of the 
code for each of the possible server architecture 
(multithread/multiprocess/CGI, asynchronous).

This is where it is important to standardize an interface for 
asynchronous extensions.

If in future a new asynchronous WSGI implementation will be developed, I 
would like to use the same interface, so I will not have to write yet 
another specialized version of my code.

> I hate reading about the "Pythonic way" of doing
> things, but writing a WSGI application so that it doesn't block too much
> or too long is simply not Pythonic. 

Sorry, but this is absurd ;-).
I need to talk with a web service on Internet: I have *no* control on this.

The solution is to not have to use a web service, but this, again, is 
not under my control.

In general, however, I agree.
A web application should be written in the most efficient way;
this is the reason why I try to avoid to use object relationals mappers, 
as an example.

> The WSGI gateway needs to abstract
> away those concerns so that they aren't an issue. 

What concerns?

> Otherwise, the gateway
> will only be useful for specialized applications designed to run well on
> that particular gateway. Such specialized applications might as well use
> specialized (gateway-specific) APIs, if they have to be designed
> specifically for a particular gateway anyway.
> Further, it is impossible to write a good HTTP proxy with WSGI. The
> control over threading, blocking, I/O, and buffer management is just not
> there in WSGI. 

With WSGI this is possible.

> In order to support efficient implementations of such
> things, WSGI would have to become so low-level that it would become
> pointless--it would be exposing an interface that is so low-level that
> it wouldn't even be cross-platform. It wouldn't abstract away anything.
> At the same time, the current WSGI 2.0 proposal abstracts too much. It
> is good for applications that are written directly on top of the
> gateway, and for simple middleware. But, it is not appropriate for a
> serious framework to be built on. It is wrong to think that the same
> interface is suitable for frameworks, middleware developers, and
> application developers. I would rather see WSGI 2.0 become a much
> lower-level framework that works at the buffer level (not strings), with
> the ability to do non-blocking reads from wsgi.input, and the ability to
> let the WSGI gateway do buffering in a sane and efficient manner
> (there's no reason for the application to do a bunch of string joins
> when the gateway could just send all the pieces in a single writev()).

I agree.
The WSGI 1.0 spec disallows a WSGI implementation to do buffering, but I 
think that it should allow it.

The WSGI implementation for Nginx already do this, when enabling an 
option (disabled as default).

Nginx will use writev.

> Some control over blocking, HTTP chunked encoding, etc. could be
> included as well. The current suggestions for WSGI 2.0 would then just
> be a sample framework layered on top of this low-level interface, for
> developers that don't want to use a big framework like DJango or Pylons.


This is what I would like to have.
A WSGI 1.1 spec, based on WSGI 1.0 with some corrections.

And a simplified interface for people who want to use it.

> But, the big frameworks and middleware would use the low-level interface
> to run efficiently. 
> - Brian

Manlio Perillo

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