[Web-SIG] passing data to python script to generate chart dynamically...

anartz at anartz.cjb.net anartz at anartz.cjb.net
Sun Aug 10 22:29:22 CEST 2008


Is it possible to pass data from an html command to a python script as an argument, to create a chart from the provided data? My best try so far could be the following lines, which as you probably guessed, don't work:

#!c:/Python24/python.exe -u
import sys, os, cgi, urllib
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

query = cgi.FieldStorage()

TheData={'a':'ScatterPlot','x1': range(10),'y1': range(10),'l1':'First Legend','x2': range(5),'y2': range(5,0,-1),'l2':'Second Legend','t':'Some title','h':'Some X label','v':'Some Y label'}

print "Content-type: text/html\n"
print """
<p><IMG SRC="./path2Script/myscript.py %(TheData)s"></p>
</html> """ %{"TheData":urllib.quote(str(TheData))}


the error reported in the web server (modified for simplicity) is:

[Sun Aug 10 21:38:01 2008] [error] [client] (20024)The given path is misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET /path2Script/myscript.py%20OutputOf(urllib.quote(str(TheData))) HTTP/1.1 to file, referer: http://localhost/path2referer

I assume that the problem is that myscript.py is not found due to the added %20 in /myscript.py%20OutputOf(urllib.quote(str(TheData)))

Any ideas of how I can pass the arguments to the python script?

for reference, I am running windows XP with an apache server.


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