[Web-SIG] [proposal] merging jsonrpc into xmlrpc

Alan Kennedy pywebsig at xhaus.com
Wed Apr 9 03:02:35 CEST 2008

>> [2] Perhaps some pythonista from Web-SIG is most appropriate to advise
>> how JSON-RPC should move forward? After all, we're more accustomed to
>> server-side stuff than those javascript folks ;-)

>  Let it die?  It is more complicated than necessary, when instead you could
> just make each function a URL of its own, and POST the arguments and get
> back the response, with 500 Server Error for errors.  It's hard to spec that
> up because it's too simple.
>  OHM (http://pythonpaste.org/ohm/) follows this model of exposing a service.

Mmmm, very RESTful.

Access to the requested HTTP method is a fundamental for RESTful services.

I find it interesting that Java's HttpServletRequest has a
.getMethod(), but no .setMethod(). Which means that one has to
implement method overrides[1] by carrying the override value through
means other than the request object itself.

Whereas in WSGI, I can simply do: environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] =

I've heard WSGI described as "python's servlet API". It's not that; it's better.



[1] http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/basics.html#Updating-an-entry

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