[Web-SIG] New spec: throw_errors

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Nov 14 05:12:35 CET 2006

I know other people weren't psyched about this one, but it's *so easy* 
to define.  As evidence of its applicability to more than just Paste, I 
just checked the Zope 3 source, and it uses environ['wsgi.handleErrors'] 
for this same purpose.  Also there are multiple WSGI testing frameworks 
that could use this key in their environments.

The spec is at:



:Title: x-wsgiorg.throw_errors
:Author: Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com>
:Discussions-To: Python Web-SIG <web-sig at python.org>
:Status: Proposed
:Created: 13 Nov 2006

.. contents::


WSGI applications are generally not supposed to raise exceptions, 
instead handling their own errors (possibly returning a ``500 Server 
Error`` response).  But in some context it is *desired* that unexpected 
exceptions be allowed to bubble up.  This specification defines a key to 
set in this circumstance.


When in a testing context it is undesirable for an application to handle 
its own errors.  Typically the test framework is better at handling the 
errors, either through error formatting or by dropping into a debugger 
like `pdb <http://python.org/doc/current/lib/module-pdb.html>`_.

Additionally when an exception catcher is installed in a stack, ideally 
it will be used for all exceptions.  This allows for centralized 
configuration (for example, when emails are sent when errors occur). 
Dynamically disabling any other exception catchers is often ideal in 
this situation.


An exception catcher should check for 
``environ.get('x-wsgiorg.throw_errors')`` in the environment.  If it is 
true, it should not try to catch exceptions.  This need only be checked 
as the application is being entered, it should not be checked later. 
Applications should not try to set this to effect middleware that 
*wraps* them, only to effect applications they may call.


A simple exception catcher::

   class ExceptionCatch(object):
       def __init__(self, app):
           self.app = app
       def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
           if environ.get('x-wsgiorg.throw_errors'):
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
               import sys, traceback, StringIO
               exc_info = sys.exc_info()
               start_response('500 Server Error', [('content-type', 
               out = StringIO.StringIO()
               return [out.getvalue()]


* In theory an application may know better how to format an error 
response than the middleware exception catcher.  Of course, an 
application can ignore ``x-wsgiorg.throw_errors`` if it thinks it is 
best (or if it has been explicitly configured to do so).

Other Possibilities

* You can just get the unwrapped application object and test it.

Open Issues

* None I know of

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