[Web-SIG] routing_args (was url_vars)

Joe Gregorio joe at bitworking.org
Mon Nov 13 20:55:17 CET 2006

On 11/13/06, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
> Why is this a problem?
> I put in the note about SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO, because generally
> SCRIPT_NAME represents the consumed path.  Dispatchers typically consume
> the path when they do their dispatching.
> If you leave SCRIPT_NAME, you are presuming that the application has
> knowledge of how the dispatcher works.  The whole point of the spec is
> that consumers don't need to know how the variables got there.

So this lets me, for example, dispatch Selectors to other
Selectors without them knowing about each other? That works for me.


Joe Gregorio        http://bitworking.org

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