[Web-SIG] WSGI deployment: an experiment

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Fri Jul 29 18:22:42 CEST 2005

Ian Bicking wrote:
> I've created a branch in Paste with a rough experiment in WSGI 
> deployment, declarative but (I think) more general than what's been 
> discussed.  The branch is at:
> http://svn.pythonpaste.org/Paste/branches/wsgi-deployment-experiment/

I've updated the implementation, taking ConfigParser out of the public 
interface, and cleaning things up some.  The config files stay the same 
(though now you can reference external files with file:, where you would 
have referenced other sections), but since the Python side is cleaned up 
here's an example of how the pipeline construct is implemented:

def make_pipeline(context):
     pipeline = context.app_config.get('pipeline', '').split()
     filters = pipeline[:-1]
     app_name = pipeline[-1]
     deploy = context.deployment_config
     app = deploy.make_app(app_name)
     for filter_name in filters:
         wsgi_filter = deploy.make_filter(filter_name)
         app = wsgi_filter(app)
     return app

The context object has a reference both to the local configuration 
values (context.app_config), and the larger configuration file 

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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