[Web-SIG] WSGI Servers

David Warnock david at sundayta.com
Sat Jan 29 00:33:41 CET 2005


Everyone else may disagree but it seems to me that servers are where the 
remaining big gap is for wsgi.

What I want is to be able to pester hosting services to provide a really 
good, fast, reliable wsgi standards compliant server. I don't care if 
the application deployment is non standard, as long as there is one and 
I can do it without shell or root access. I don't care if I have not got 
plugins, filters etc standardised yet (as long as I will have some way 
to add them without shell or root access).

This wsgi server must work with python 2.2 or later and it must work 
with apache 1 or 2.

The rest of my pythonic toolkit is starting to look excellent with

- CherryPy2 for url mapping, sessions, request and response, filters, is 
wsgi compliant

- sqlObject for dbms access

- Kid for templating

- ElementTree for xml (with cElementTree where it is possible)

- py.test as the best unit testing tool

- openanything.py from Mark Pilgrim, dive into python as a standard http 
client. http://diveintopython.org/http_web_services/index.html

- Ian Bickings wsgi.config also looks like it will soon be in the toolkit.

Now I just need to get some standard project practices sorted out and 
then can really move, at least we could if hosting were sorted.

Note that all these are wonderfully simple tools that do a limited set 
of tasks and do them well and flexibly making them easy to assemble 
together. I much prefer this to the big frameworks - although for other 
larger projects plone is a good if rather heavyweight choice

BUT hosting services are my key problem. I want to plug some dynamic 
features into very low end hosting (under $50 per year including domain) 
and so far have only only python with cgi available.

Have I missed something, anyone know what I can push hosting services 



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