[Web-SIG] JavaScript escape function

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Apr 26 04:34:18 CEST 2005

Donovan Preston wrote:
> var s = '$jquote($s)'
> Leaving it up to the developer to ensure every potentially unsafe  
> python string is quoted properly always makes me nervous. Nevow has  
> enough information to automatically safely quote strings inserted in  
> html, html attribute, and URL contexts, but isn't currently smart  
> enough to know much about javascript and javascript string quoting  
> contexts. livepage will try to quote things properly for you if you  are 
> using livepage.handler (which uses jquote as shown above) but  it's 
> pretty easy to fool, because nevow doesn't yet know enough about  
> JavaScript to really be safe. I hope to add some additional  
> intelligence soon to cover this, and perhaps also to cover CSS contexts.

This is why I strongly prefer keeping explicit quotes out of the 
substitution, i.e., "var s = $repr(str(s))" (or jquote or whatever), 
because it's less likely to lead to errors.  If you do "var s = $s" 
it'll just break (syntactically invalid).  But if you do "var s = '$s'" 
it'll work most of the time.

This is how the DB-API (and database quoting generally) works.  And not 
how PHP quoting is usually done, and we know how that ends up ;)

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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