[Web-SIG] WSGI async API

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Oct 15 07:46:42 CEST 2004

At 08:59 PM 10/14/04 -0400, Peter Hunt wrote:
>Can someone briefly outline how the WSGI async API works? Sorry to
>reiterate, but I don't know the agreement we finally reached.

That's because no agreement was reached.  There are two (moderately vague) 
proposals still at large:

1) Have server extension APIs to pause iteration until further notice, or 
until input is available

2) Have a server extension API that returns an iterable that the 
application then returns after registering callbacks with it.  This object 
would provide a more continuation-like API.

Another alternative is not to bless an official async API at this time, and 
leave it open for server developers to innovate.  Then, come back later and 
extend the PEP once there's more user/developer experience with the various 
innovations out there.  Both of the above approaches could be implemented 
in various ways, according to developer interest, but would be considered 
server-specific extensions until/unless there was consensus to formalize 
them as optional extensions to the current spec.

Given that none of the proposals appear to require making any further 
changes to the base API, and that traffic discussing the existing proposals 
has been slim, this latter alternative is beginning to look pretty 
attractive to me.

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