[Tutor] Which linux distro is more conducive for learning the Python programming language?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 4 13:00:30 EDT 2022

On 04/08/2022 15:41, trent shipley wrote:

> learning Python, it occurs to me there probably are distros which would be
> bad for learning Python, mostly because you either would spend all your
> time configuring and learning Linux

That wouldn't greatly affect learning Python though. Provided you can
start a python prompt and a text editor thats all you really need.
If a GUI is available then you can run IDLE wetc too, but that's a nice
to have.

> lack a GUI (maybe something running on a Raspberry).  

In fact a raspberry is a reat python learning ground because most
raspberry projects are Python based and there are python modules
for interacting with the I/O pins. And all the popular raspberry
Linux distros come with a GUI (usually based on XFCE). There may
be a few  embedded Linux distros, or rescue disk type things
that don't have a desktop GUI, but they are very, very rare.
After all X Windows can run in as little as 8MB of RAM albeit
you can't do much with it! (When I started with linux X ran
in only 4M!)

> Linux distros which would be poor choices for a Python learner?

Apart from turnkey rescue disks/backup tools etc. I really can't.
They nearly all include the interpreter and an editor and that
really is all you need to complete most Python tutorials.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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