[Tutor] Pi GPIO question was: Hi

David bouncingcats at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 00:49:47 EDT 2022

Hello fellow posters,

Just a heads-up for future awareness, I suggest that the assumption
that the kickoff question is something related to Rasperry Pi is
likely to be incorrect.

So I think that changing the subject to include "Pi", and talking about
"Pi" in replies, is not helpful.

Because the posted code is clearly Micropython [1][2][3], or a derivative.

So it is far more likely that this code is running on a bare
microcontroller, rather than any platform that uses any operating

The only "Pi" branded family product that matches that is the Raspberry Pi Pico.

Which is not what most people are talking about when they talk about
Raspberry Pi, most people are referring to a single board computer
that's running some flavour of Linux. That's what made Raspberry Pi

Using Micropython does not require Linux or any other OS.

Yes, theoretically someone could build the Linux port of Micropython
and run it under Linux on a typical Raspberry Pi, but that would be rare
because it's a hugely suboptimal use of the hardware, compared to
the vastly more common situation of using Micropython directly on a
much simpler microcontroller board.

To see my point, take a look at this page:
which shows almost 300 boards claimed suitable to run
Circuit Python, a Micropython derivative.

Any Micropython questions will almost certainly be about some
kind of hardware like these.

[1] https://github.com/micropython/micropython
[2] https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/
[3] https://forum.micropython.org/

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