[Tutor] A dictionary question

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 19:37:44 EST 2021

Thank you Mats. I just arrived at our camping site and I'm amazed that 
there is some mobile phone service here. Once I've settled in I'll run 
through your code to understand how it works.
> pairs = Counter()
> for s in set_list:
>     for r in row:
>         if s.issubset(r):
>             pairs[tuple(sorted(s))] += 1
> for item, count in pairs.items():
>     if count == 2:  # candidate
>         i, j = item
>         # since we know we're only counting two things,
>         # no need to use a Counter or dict here
>         icount, jcount = 0, 0
>         for r in row:
>             if i in r:
>                 icount += 1
>             if j in r:
>                 jcount += 1
>         if icount == 2 and jcount == 2:
>             print(f"{set(item)} found")


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