[Tutor] Expecting a float but get an int

Roel Schroeven roel at roelschroeven.net
Mon May 24 11:02:59 EDT 2021

Chris Roy-Smith schreef op 23/05/2021 om 10:22:
> try making the values for x1, x2, y1, y2 floats before calling the
> function. Python does integer math on integers. even making one value in
> each calculation a float will make python to do floating point math.

That's not correct anymore. In Python 3 (and optionally in Python 2, if 
you do 'from __future__ import division'), the division operator (/) 
yields a float even for integers. The floor division operator (//) on 
the other hand yields an integer for integer operands, a float if one of 
the operands is a float.

 >>> 4/3
 >>> 4.0/3.0
 >>> 4//3
 >>> 4.0//3.0

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         -- Franklin P. Jones

Roel Schroeven

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