[Tutor] Proper SQLite cursor handling?

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 20:20:49 EDT 2021

I haven't had a chance to dive into your responses yet, but it looks
like I have not clearly communicated how I am using the tables and
what I mean by "game".

On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 6:27 PM Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au> wrote:
> On 05Jul2021 12:17, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> >On 05/07/2021 02:33, boB Stepp wrote:
> >> 4)  I haven't made it this far yet, but part of each game will be a
> >> record of each hand played.  The current table "games" will refer to
> >> these tables, one per game.
> >
> >Can you elaborate by what you mean by games?
> >Do you mean each type of game(clock, spyder, canfield, etc)
> >will have its own table or do you mean each game session?
> >(game1,game2 etc.)
> >
> >If the latter I'd expect it all to be a single table.
> >But if the former you may have different attributes
> >per game type and multiple tables makes sense.
> We may have a nomenclature problem here.

By "game" I mean a particular kind of solitaire game with its own
scoring parameters.  Further if I decide to try out different
strategies of playing that particular type of solitaire game then that
would count as a separate entry in the games table.  For instance if
there were such a thing as "boBSolitaire" then there might be in the
games table entries for "boBSolitaireMinimizeReservePile",
"boBSolitaireMaximizeFoundationPiles", etc.

Dennis asked what I meant by "hand".  I defined what I meant in the
module docstring, but it is simply "I just now played a hand of
boBSolitaire."  There would be a score for that hand which would be
added to the running total score.  So the games table would look like
(I bet this will get mangled in the archive):

game_id | game_name | strategy |  max_num_reserve_cards |
max_num_foundation_cards | reserve_card_value | foundation_card_value
| total_score
1             | boBSolitair1 | myidea1 | 13
          | 52                                           | -1
                   | 1                                   | - 548
2             | boBSolitair2 | myidea2 | 13
          | 52                                           | -1
                   | 1                                   | 0
3             | AlanSolitair1 | hisidea1 | 28
            | 104                                         | -2
                    | 1                                   | 291
4              ...

Each one of these solitaire games would have its own collection of
hands played over time and look like:

hand_num | date_played | time_recorded | hand_score
1                | 2021-07-04  | 1342                | -5
2                | 2021-07-04  | 1356                | 43
3                | 2021-07-05  |  0704               | -26
4                ...

Likewise "boBSolitair2" and "AlanSolitair1" would have their own hands
played tables.

So each "game" is a combination of a particular type of solitaire
played with a certain strategy applied.  Each such game will have a
record of ALL of the hands played using that type of solitaire with a
particular strategy used in the game play.  Later I will compare all
solitaire games played of the same kind of solitaire to determine the
effectiveness of the different strategies applied.

Does this help make things clearer?

boB Stepp

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