[Tutor] Running python files

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 19:28:46 EDT 2020

This seemingly simple problem has me scratching my head. How do I run a 
python file from a directory other than the directory that the python 
file is in? It's a little more complex than my question implies.

For example, "python3 ~/somedirectory/somefile.py" runs without a 
problem. However if somefile.py requires resources such as .png files 
then somefile.py won't run because those resources cannot be found. 
These resources are also stored in /somedirectory. The same somefile.py 
does run if stated from somedirectory.

Adding somedirectory to my user path didn't help and I've experimented 
with Python_Path but that's not the answer either.

I'm trying to run somefile.py from the system menu.


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