[Tutor] How to work with a later version of Python

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Fri Oct 2 19:40:04 EDT 2020

On 10/2/20 12:15 PM, Neveills, Sarah wrote:
> All,
> I cannot import the keras package in version 3.8.3.
> It states no module named ‘keras’
> Any suggestions?
> Sarah

Probably, it's not installed.

Each version of Python gets its own installation area, so a package
installed for a different Python version would not get picked up.

Keras itself, it looks like, has no version issues.  You can check these
things by going to PyPI:


The naming of the installable suggests it's very flexible:


that is, there's no Python version dependency, there's no operating
system dependency, and there's no processor architecture dependency.

So with the Python you intend to use, try:

python -m pip install keras

That has a good chance of taking care of the import problem.

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