[Tutor] TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Thu Jul 23 03:57:28 EDT 2020

hongerlapjes wrote:

> I'm learning python and need help. How can I sum up "bedrag"?
> I've replaced the "." with a "," and changed the string into a float,
> but I can't iter. I'm lost. What do I need to do?

The iteration is done by your for loop. You need another variable that you 
initialize before it:

     totaalbedrag = 0.0
     for row in csv_reader:
         bedrag = float(row['Bedrag (EUR)'].replace(",", "."))
         totaalbedrag = totaalbedrag + bedrag

A more concise way to spell that is

totallbedrag = sum(
    float(row['Bedrag (EUR)'].replace(",", ".")) 
    for row in csv_reader

Here the loop is moved into the "generator expression" that is used as the 
argument for the sum function. 

If you are doing that or simalar operations a lot you should look at pandas 
(built on top of numpy) which gives you highlevel operations to do the same:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv("oefen.csv")
>>> df
0    1.23
1    2.34

[2 rows x 1 columns]
>>> df["Bedrag"].sum()

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