[Tutor] K-means and Python Beginner - The clusters shown in the graph seems wrong

tsz ying tsang ericatszying at yahoo.com.hk
Sun Apr 19 12:16:55 EDT 2020

Dear Tutor,
I have recently signed up an online class on coursera - Data Science - K-mean Clustering, and i had submitted an assignment about using k-means to build a model distinguishing the genuine and fake banknotes by the "banknote authentication dataset" on OpenML (our assignment used a simplified one as attached)
I have written some code on Python and plt graph (k=2). But the clusters I get is quite different from most of my online classmates. May I know what i did wrong in my code that can't generate the same cluster. 
How to re-run the k-means to make sure the cluster is stable?
Thanks so much for help first

The below is my classmate's one.

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