[Tutor] Something new in line printing?

Ken Green beachkidken at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 22:00:44 EST 2019

On 11/11/19 9:36 PM, David L Neil via Tutor wrote:
> On 12/11/19 1:55 PM, Ken Green wrote:
>> On 11/11/19 7:13 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>>> On 11/11/2019 22:51, Ken Green wrote:
>>>> I have not use Python printing for quite a while.
>>>> In the meantime, I acquired a new printer, a HP
>>>> OfficeJet 4652. Ran a program to print the output
>>>> of a program and get the following error:
>>> This is as much an OS problem as it is python so it helps
>>> if you start off by telling us which OS you are using.
>>> I assume some kind of Unix derivative but which?
>>>> lpr: Error - No default destination.
>>> This is an OS level error not a Python issue.
>> I'm sorry to have forgotten to mention my OS and Python model.
>> I should have known better.
> That's all right: then you were only confusing half of OS users and 
> some pythonista, NOW you're upsetting HALF the WORLD!
> "Spring"??? That's what it is right now in the southern hemisphere, 
> but was six months ago in the northern (and is practically unknown by 
> those living 'in the middle').
>> Currently using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and Python 2.7.15+.  Been
>> using Ubuntu and Python2 before the new printer arrived in
>> spring of 2019 and no problem was noted before then. Usage of
>> printer other than Python2 was fine with current OS. I suppose
>> I should try using Python 3.6.8 and see what gives. Thanks.
> See earlier comments about "OS level". Are you able to print from 
> other s/w under Ubuntu? (even the printer's Test Page)
> Modern Linux-es prefer to run printers through cups, and HP require an 
> extra apt-get to receive the facilities to drive/monitor printers (and 
> scanners, if appropriate).
> (?hpijs - Fedora's s/w name(s) may be different to Ubuntu/Debian's)
Yes, I have been able to run print jobs in Ubuntu 18.04.3 except Python 
2 and 3. Okay, you gave me a head up on apt-get something from HP. Will 
search tomorrow. That would be the best course of action to take. 
Failing that, will use my Windows 10 laptop that has Python 3 already 
installed. Thanks.
> Insert obligatory comment here - Python 2.n becomes 'end of life' in 
> less than 50-days!
> (not that this appears to be a Py2/3 issue)

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