[Tutor] pip issue

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 3 18:40:40 EDT 2019

On 03/05/2019 17:11, Anil Duggirala wrote:

>> Try this (as _yourself_, not as root):
>>   pip3 install --verbose --user 'aiorpcX<0.18,>=0.17.0'
> I tried this and got a lot of messages like:
> 9a0d86eb (from https://pypi.org/simple/aiorpcx/) (requires-
> python:>=3.6) is incompatible with the pythonversion in use. Acceptable
> python versions are:>=3.6

Ok, so it clearly says you need a Python version greater
than or equal to 3.6. Which version of Python are you using?

> Please tell me where I screwed up. I think I could learn to program in
> Python, but learning about the packaging and modules and using them,
> requires a lot more time, I think.

Can you clarify your current status since that will help
us provide suitable solutions.

Can you already program in any other language? (If so which?)
Or are you a complete beginner programmer?

Normally when learning a language it's best to start with
the basics which don't require installing third party
libraries. Is there some specific task you need this
library for?
Is there not an existing python distribution that
includes the library already - like Enthought or
Anaconda say?

Before trying to solve the problem the hard way it might
be worth first checking if a simpler alternative exists?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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