[Tutor] venv questions

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sat Aug 24 14:41:41 EDT 2019

On 8/24/19 3:31 AM, ingo wrote:
> In the past I managed to modify one or more files to make the venv 'set
> up' process to also copy the files needed to run IDLE within the
> environment to the Scripts directory. I can't figure out any more how to
> do this (on win10). A nudge in the right direction to accomplish this
> again would be welcome.

not sure which you mean... I haven't really switched to using the venv
system yet, continue to be happy with virtualenvs created by the "pyenv"
system, and I'm still having to support some 2.7 stuff - venv is not for
2.7.  venv reads a config file, pyvenv.cfg, which is created in the venv
directory and describes things about it, and which is searched for by
Pythons since 3.3 (I think) to make sure it gets initialized correctly
upon startup.  So maybe you meant that...

the docu for venv describes a scheme for writing a script which
specializes venv.EnvBuilder to control setup so certain things are sure
to be installed, is that what you're thinking of?


> When creating an environment (win10) there always is an empty directory
> "Include", what is its use?

include is for C-language header files which would be used if compiling
an extension module. those need to precisely match the Python version
they're targeted to, which is why they would be grouped with a
particular environment (not sure why empty... I "don't do Windows" as a
rule :)

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