[Tutor] Import module function using variable

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Jun 13 10:35:48 EDT 2018

On 06/13/2018 01:37 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
> Slater, Joseph C. wrote:
>> Dear friends,

as others have said, I'll also say: your problem statement is fuzzy.

if your data looks like this:

> d23 87 9 NA 67 5 657 NA 76 8 87 78 90 800
> er 21 8 908 9008 9 7 5 46 3 5 757 7 5

is it meaningful that there are 14 items in a "row"? or is the row still
valid if you remove some items from it? That is, does the position in
the row matter? If it does, then you should replace NA by some value
Python can recognize - for example None - instead of trying to delete
the element.

tab-separated is a pretty poor choice of data format if fields can be
blank - you can't spot blanks easily, unless you're fortunate enough
that each "column" can be displayed in less than a tab-width so it
always lines up. that's a human problem, not a computer problem, but
could impede your ability to visually inspect that things look sane.
Using a non-whitespace separator character would be better.

or... is this just a list of values and there is really no row concept?
In that case, don't bring rows into it, and drop the invalid entries on

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