[Tutor] Coming from R, what's a good IDE editor? I've tried PyCharm and Spyder

C W tmrsg11 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 14:24:50 EDT 2017

Indeed, just installed it. Rodeo is a very close to RStudio.

My review:
It looks like Rodeo is still in earlier development stage, despite look
alike, many features in RStudio don't exist in Rodeo.

It lacks a keyboard configuration. Cmd + Enter combo works! It runs the
current line of code, this will make up for all else. Hence, my hope is not

If you are used to RStudio and Matlab, this is the closest you will see. I
am happy to discovery it. Thanks, Monte!

To the earlier replies, and my opinion:
Atom does not do line by line evaluation, you must compile it yourself, you
can't modify things in Console, but re-run script. (I have tried on someone
else's computer)

IPython is great for presentation, but you need to start it up in Terminal,
copy paste localhost address. You need to restart it if you are using it
for Python 2 vs Python 3. Great, but tedious to work with. (I have it)

Spyder does not have an icon in Application, you again need to start it up
in Terminal with a few commands. It is slow to start up. (I have it)

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 1:42 PM, Monte Milanuk <memilanuk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you looked at Rodeo (https://www.yhat.com/products/rodeo)?  The UI
> looks a *lot* like R-Studio (for a reason)...
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