[Tutor] application development

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sat Dec 9 19:59:33 EST 2017

On 12/09/2017 12:09 PM, Ayanlade Timilehin via Tutor wrote:
> Goodday, I'm a Windows user and I am interested in developing android applications but I can't find any tutorial resource online. Please how can you help.

I replied and it went off into a black hole due to my own error. sending
again here, though Bob hit the main point I think: python-on-android is
a little tricky.


You never mention the word Python but you sent this to the Python
tutor list so one presumes you were interested in this question in
the Python context.

If not, then developing with Xamarin Forms under Visual Studio is an
easy way to target Windows and Android apps from a similar environment.
Xamarin can target iOS as well. I'm none of {Mobile App, Windows,
Android} Developer but for a project  I was able in fairly short order
to develop some example apps for both platforms (and for the Tizen
platform as well, using the same dev environment).

However, with Python the story is different, because Android does not
have a Python interpreter in the system, and Android store policies
don't make it easy to deploy an app that depends on another one - you
have to do something to bundle Python support with the app you develop.
Go talk to Google about that issue...

You have to look around some for ways to make that workable - there are
a few projects.  One of the ones I hear quite a bit about is called Kivy
(see kivy.org).  It's not the only one, some Internet searching may
prove productive.

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