[Tutor] easygui

George Sconyers gsconyer at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 26 22:07:30 EDT 2017

Hello all. Need some help with easygui which my son is trying to run for a book he is working in. Using Python 2.7 we downloaded easygui and put it in an executable path. 
Code is:import easyguieasygui.msgbox("Hello there")
No popup occurs, cusor changes to a cross and no longer process mouse clicks. When we click on the bash shell the program terminates, cursor returns to normal, and the following error is delivered:
script.py: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token  '"Hello there"'script.py: line 2: 'easygui.msgbox("Hello there")'
We also tried:import easyguimsgbox("Hello there")
Returns the error message:script.py: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token  '"Hello there"'script.py: line 2: 'msgbox("Hello there")'
Checked on "easygui. sourceforge. net/tutorial.html#msgbox" and it appears I am using the correct syntax. Probably a stupid mistake but I am stumped. 

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