[Tutor] Web Page Scraping

Crusier crusier at gmail.com
Mon May 23 23:17:54 EDT 2016

Dear All,

I am trying to scrape a web site using Beautiful Soup. However, BS
doesn't show any of the data. I am just wondering if it is Javascript
or some other feature which hides all the data.

I have the following questions:

1) Please advise how to scrape the following data from the website:


Type, Listing Date (Y-M-D), Call / Put, Last Trading Day (Y-M-D),
Strike Price, Maturity Date (Y-M-D),  Effective Gearing (X),Time to
Maturity (D),
Delta (%), Daily Theta (%),  Board Lot.......

2) I am able to scrape most of the data from the same site


 Please advise what is the difference between these two sites.
Attached is my code

Thank you


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import json
import re

warrants = ['10348']

def web_scraper(warrants):

    url = "http://www.dbpower.com.hk/en/quote/quote-warrant/code/"

    # Scrape from the Web
    for code in warrants:
        new_url = url + code
        response = requests.get(new_url)
        html = response.content
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser")

        name = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'article_content'})

        for n in name:
            name1 = str(n.text)
            s_code = name1[:4]


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