[Tutor] Citing Python

Matt Williams matt.williams45.mw at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 15:53:56 EDT 2016

No, but in his defence, I can imagine someone reading the dissertation 
and asking for a citation..

(Apologies for TP).

On 15/03/2016 18:43, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 15/03/16 11:45, Holderness, Ellie wrote:
>> How do I cite Python for my dissertation bibliography?
>> I used version 3.5.1.
> I'm not sure a citation is strictly necessary for a programming
> language, but if you want to you could cite the Python web site.
> Would you cite JavaScript, CSS or HTML if you built a website?
> Or SQL if you built a database?
> If you used a particular tutorial to learn the language
> you could cite that (either as a book or web site).

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