[Tutor] Running Python code without python installed

wolfrage8765 at gmail.com wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 08:48:54 EDT 2016

 There are actually some options here. But all of them will require
some form of a installer. The only gotcha is you need an installer for
each platform you plan on distributing too.
So for Windows I currently use: INNO Setup Installer  (
http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php ) and package the Python
installer for windows with-in it; then install Python and after that
is complete I install my python program; once everything is installed
you can create a launcher. Inno comes with a nice little IDE to help
you create the installer. It also runs well in Wine in case you are on
For Linux: I use a self extracting shell installer script (
http://stephanepeter.com/makeself/ ) that runs the appropriate
installation commands for Linux to get a Python interpret installed
and then switch it over to Python to finish the install. But I also
test for Python and 99% of the time my installer has reported that
Python in some form was already installed on Linux.
For OSX I have not yet tried to get my code working there; but I am
fairly certain that Python is installed on most OSX installs by
default it just becomes a matter of upgrading it to a more modern
For Android and IOS I use Kivy and buildozer to create the necessary packages.

Also the web app option is another good possibility; as mentioned by
Alan; since HTML5 has done so much to improve the state of web

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 2:26 AM, Jade Beckmann <jademudan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm creating a program using python that uses a GUI and I want to be able
> to give the file to others for them to use the program on their computer.
> I'm just wondering how someone who doesn't have the python software
> installed on their PC or mac would be able to run the program?
> Thanks,
> Jade
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