[Tutor] Python Assignment

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Aug 2 00:04:48 EDT 2016

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 8:18 AM, Justin Korn via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> I need someone to help me to develop programs for the following assignments.

You've asked a few questions earlier:



That you have to take care of a sick relative is laudable.  But
mentioning it multiple times is not helpful: it sounds more like an
emotional manipulation.  It does not look sincere if you mention it
every time you're asking for technical help.

That being said, a situation like that *can* be a legitimate, major
factor behind why you're having difficulty with the problem.  And if
that's the case, you *need* to talk with your professor or instructor.
We're not the right audience to solve the real problem that you're

Most teachers are often pretty good about considering extraordinary
circumstances when setting things like deadlines, and they may give
some allowance for your situation.

Try talking with your instructor.

Looking back at your question: it's possible that English isn't your
first language, so you may not realize how poorly the questions are
stated.  This style of stating a problem statement and asking for a
solution is not likely to be fruitful.  This is because it looks like
you are trying to just get a homework solution without regard to why.
In most places of learning, this is against an institution's academic
honor code.

So try to improve the way you're asking questions, and do reply back
if you receive a response, especially if you don't understand the
response yet.

Alan asked you several question in a previous response:


He's actually responded to you multiple times, generously giving you
his attention.  But it seems like you've ignored him altogether.  Are
there questions there that you do not understand?

Good luck to you.

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