[Tutor] I need help with my homework. No, really....

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Wed Jul 29 15:59:45 CEST 2015

Part 2...

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 04:16:58AM -0500, Lissa Hopson wrote:

> Given x as an array of [5,3] and y as an array of [3,7] perform the
> following:
> 1. Load array x column-wise and array y row-wise
> 2. Multiply x by y to compute array z
> 3. Compute the sum of all elements in column 2 of array x and add it to the
> sum of all elements in row 2 of y (the first row/column is 0, the second is
> 1, etc. That got me at first)
> 4. Compute the smallest element in row 1 of y
> ---using appropriate headings:
> 5. Print out matrices x, y, and z (display on screen, but y'all probably
> get that)
> 6. Print out sum and smallest element
> The data with which array x is loaded:
> 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
> The data with which array y is loaded:
> 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 1
> Must use functions named as follows:
> lab5.dat is simply a dat file with the data with which the arrays are
> loaded in one long line, each separated by commas.
> Thanks- in advance- no more comments after the program.
> This is what I have thus far:

> #load matrix x
> def LOADX(infile, A):
>        #local variables
>        n=0
>        k=0
>        s=0

It's hard to tell what those variables mean from the names. It may be 
more useful to give them descriptive names. I think that k is the 
column number, j (below) is the row number, n is an index into the 
templist you generate next, and s is, well, I have no idea what s is. 
You do some calculations on s, but then it never gets used, so I'm not 
sure what it is for.

    item = 0
    column = 0
    s = 0  # huh?

>        templist = infile.readline().strip('\n').split(',')

To be clear, this reads the first line from the file, and one line only. 
It removes the newline \n from the end, then splits on commas, and 
returns a list of strings, say:

    ['1', '2', '3', '4', ...]

Is that what you expect?

>        while (k<3):
>            j=0
>            while(j<5):
>                 A[j][k] = int(templist[n])
>                 s=s+A[j][k]
>                 j=j+1
>                 k=k+1
>                 n=n+1

Assuming s in not needed, this becomes:

       while (column < 3):
            row = 0
            while(row < 5):
                A[row][column] = int(templist[item])
                row = row + 1
                column = column + 1
                item = item + 1

But that can't be right, because you end up processing:

    column=0, row=0
    column=1, row=1
    column=2, row=2

and then stopping. That only gives you three numbers. What you need is 
to process fifteen numbers:

    column=0, row=0
    column=0, row=1
    column=0, row=2
    column=0, row=3
    column=0, row=4
    column=1, row=0
    column=2, row=4

The way to do that is to only increase the column when you've processed 
all the rows. Here's a sketch, you can fill in the details:

       while (column < 3):
            while(row < 5):
                process one element A[row][column]
                add one to row
            # when we get here (outdented), we've finished the inner
            # while loop, but are still inside the outer while loop
            add one to column

> #load matrix y
> def LOADY(infile, B):

LOADY should be almost exactly the same as LOADX, except that instead of 
looping down the columns, you should loop across the rows. So:

    while row < 3:
        while column < 7:

but otherwise more or less the same as LOADX.

> #define computation of Z matrix
> def COMPUTEZ (A, B, C):

Try re-writing COMPUTEZ with row and columns, as above, and see if that 
makes sense. I can see one obvious problem below:

>        i=0
>        while (i<5):
>            j=0
>            while (j<=7):
>                k=0
>                while (k<=3):
>                    C[i][j]= C[i][j]+ A[i][k] * B[k][j]
>                k=k+1

This bit can't work, because you have a while loop where k never 

while k <= 3:
    process C[i][j] ... 

but k doesn't change. So Python will loop forever, or until you get sick 
of waiting and type Ctrl-C to halt it. You need to advance k inside the 
while loop:

while k <= 3:
    process C[i][j] ... 
    k = k + 1

Remember that the body of the while loop is defined by the *indented* 
block beneath it. You do have a k = k+1 beneath the while loop, but it 
isn't indented enough, so it counts as *outside* the while block.

I haven't studied it in detail, but you can try fixing that and see if 
it works.

> #def summation
> def SUMMATION(x,y):
>        s=0
>        k=0
>        j=0
>        while (k<5):
>            sumx=sumx + x[k][2]
>            k=k+1
>        while (j<7):
>            sumy=sumy + y[2][j]
>            j=j+1
>            s=sumx + sumy

This can't work, because sumx and sumy don't have a value to start 
with. You need to initialize them (perhaps zero?) first. Actually, I 
don't think you need them at all. I think you can just calculate the 
total directly:

    total = 0
    while row < 5:
        total = total + x[row][2]
    while column < 7:
        total = total + y[2][column]

You'll need to initialize the variables, advance them, etc.

More to follow...


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